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« Goodness | Main | I'm on the cover of ART DOLL QUARTERLY, Winter 2010 issue! »

September 12, 2009


The very fact you were asked to contribute shows that your unique view of the world is truly appreciated. "Why Not" indeed! Who Better? There is nothing INSIGNIFICANT About someone who can find a small person standing by a tree in a paperclip!
*Bows Deeply*

caterina giglio

just found your delightful blog... and thought this was a great post, very courageous. comparisons are odious! why you, talent from what I can see! caterina


I am so shocked to read that you feel insignificant! Not you! Your work is amazing! I even tried your technique from the article in Somerset Workshop, you openeda door for me.

Now I feel insignificant I can't sell anything it seems. Maybe it is the economy maybe not. Now that is depressing! But I keep plugging away. I would be shocked if I was "discovered" but I still hope to be. No you are not insignificant, you are wonderful!


Saw you on Jenny's blog you goofy girl. Great fun...

Hope you are well.




so true...we must remind ourselves that we have something to give because each time we share something of ourselves we touch someone, teach someone, inspire someone or encourage someone and we always receive more than we give.

Keep creating!

Davielle Huffman

I like this post, Julie. I really really like it. Thank you for sharing your insights into that INSIGNIFICANT feeling we all SUFFER from/with from time to time. If we can just remember to put LIFE and our ART into perspective (pun - intended?!) then we can all just get on with making our ART for the sake of the MAKING of the art. We don't always have to consider the end "result" - ie, "will someone like it enough to buy it or publish it?" ... NO, we have to MAKE ART for the MAKING of it. :-)

Laurie Blau-Marshall

Wise post, Ms. Julie.

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