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« In the zone... | Main | Insignificance »

March 20, 2009



I agree with everything you just said.. It is often hard to see things in a different way because we are so fixed in our outlook.

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I love your quote especially this line, love somebody unconditionally.


Hello, you have the most fabulously wonderful site here and I had to leave this comment for you ! Your posts are beautifully written, creative and original too, and you have interesting pictures.

It's all perfect !

Thank you for sharing your site and best wishes.... 'Happy September'....


Hi sweetie!! How are you? :-)Great I hope!! :-)What a darling post!! So true!!
I hope you have a fantastic weekend!! Huge hugs!! Britt :-)

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I believe that all people have goodness in their heart no matter how bad they are in the eyes of other people. Like you, I also want to see this goodness and hope we can find it soon. (“,)

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Yeah! We should all try 2 apply/practice this quote in our lives.

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Wow! That’s a very inspiring message.

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thanks for the message.. i just love it!

susie scott

Well said!

pam carriker

Hey Julie, adding you to my bloglist. I had the most amazing time at convenzione and a big part of that was due to you! You are a ray of sunshine girl:-)

Kristy Christopherson

what a sweet post! like the previous post-very well said!

Karen Young

Very well said....

Hugs Karen

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