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« Somerset Memories | Main | Mr. Concussion! »

August 12, 2008


Carrie West

Hello dear!

CONGRATS!!! You so deserve it! YOur work is just outta this world!!!~

Enjoy your weekend!

A Fanciful Twist

Hiya lovely - will e-mail you in a sec... But first Woo hooooo for the cover, again!! And, yes, I did the same interview, but don't know where to find it online?? For Art Doll? xoxoxo off to read yours!!


Congratulations!!! I saw this cover and fell in love with it...the realized it was yours! It's beautiful!!


I love your cover! It's always such a treat to open my fav mag and see the greatest of artists! Congrats to you! I'm off to see the new feature on the website!! :)mendy


Congratulations on the cover! This was one of my favorites covers and I never miss an issue! I hope you are celebrating!

Take care,
Los Angeles, CA

Melanie Messana

That's awesome Julie! Congrats and keep up the great work! I was showing Somerset Memories to a few gals i scrap with and they loved your cover artwork and scooped it up! One of them was going to recreate it with an image of her boys!
You have inspired again!

Du Buh Du Designs

I forgot to say Congrats!! I checked it out yesterday and forgot to come back and comment :) I'm going to Michael's tomorrow so I hope to pick it up then!

Missy Sue

Congratulations!!! That's amazing! Your work was the only reason I bought the Workshop issue!!!

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