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« RUBY | Main | 30 Day Macro Challenge »

April 19, 2008



What a great collage to remember your sweet doggie. Gone to Paris. I hope they will share the most wonderful delights with her there!


this post makes me sad... I love that Ruby girl ~ she really is the BEST dog <3


Sorry about Ruby but hang on in there a while. Couple of weeks ago my husband and I were convinced that our English Bull Terrier Winnie was on her last legs. She was so un - Win like, acting strange and generally very down in the dumps. Awful. But we just kept an eye on her, didn't bother her too much and waited. After about 10 days she was suddenly back to her normal self.
Don't know what was happening but am just grateful that she is still around, for a while at least. Poor old girl is a bit deaf now and can't see to well.

Nancy ~ Fete et Fleur

Hi Julie!

Just checking in on Ruby and you. This is such a difficult decision to make. Sending prayers your way for wisdom.

Blessings! Nancy


Oh Julie. I'm so sorry about Ruby. It must be so hard on your entire family...I'm sure you'll feel in your gut when it's time to help her on her journey to heaven ~ I'm just so sorry, xxoo, Dawn

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