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« Different Mediums | Main | MUSIC and Emotions »

March 18, 2008


Julie Bergmann

Hi Tiffany!

Well, she "didn't" keep that white skirt clean!!! I've just learned to just go with the flow. I'm an expert in getting out stains! Who cares about stains really if my daughter is able to experience the FUN things in life!!!!



I learned quite a few years ago to appreciate the small things in life and yes, getting an "A" in ever subject is great, but not what really matters in life. I never understood why schools didn't offer "Life Lesson" type classes. Instead of knowing where/when "Train A" meets "Train B" {who cares really, never used that yet in life}. Why don't they teach "appreciating life, respecting, caring, helping other people, how to be civil to each other, etc.....just how to handle Life Lessons in today's world and putting feelings into art! :)
It would make such a world of difference!
So Yea! for your daughter on being an artist...I bet she is a doll!
And by the did she keep her white skirt clean with that fun bucket of mud!? :)
Such a cute picture~
ttyl, Tiff


I couldn't agree with you more Julie. The pride we feel in our children -- for the unique personalities, for their gifts -- their individual creativity. It is a gift!

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